Thursday, October 4

taking MC Leave on 04/10/07

how was it??

running nose, sore throat, last night got fever.....

ok..... say 'aarrr'.....
well, take some medicine and drink more water, ok?

doc, then why my right eye is swelling?

hrm... let me see.
taken any medicine lately?

yeah, 2 nos of panadol..... cos fever ma.

hrm... allergy.

huh... doc, you must be kidding... i allergy to panadol????
which mean i cannot take panadol in future???

try to take 1 no. next time, we'll see how!

..... (JUET!!!!!)

1 comment:

MikeM said...

ur eyes swelling bcos u spoke to me too long on the line the other day... my colleagues all lookin at me tot i talkin to my gf... damn!!!